Writing and auditing incident reports can be challenging. Download the Kelvin TOP-SET Ultimate Incident Reporting Pack now.


High quality incident reports not only communicate the findings of the Investigation Team's investigation; they help to ensure repeat (or similar) incidents don't happen.

We know that some people find writing clear and concise reports straightforward, but many find it challenging. We also understand the time it takes to audit investigation reports and how frustrating it is to read inconsistent, sometimes incoherent, reports.

With this understanding, we developed a pack to help you raise the quality, standard and consistency of incident reporting, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of report auditing in your organisation.


1. Quick Start Guide

2. Incident Report Preparation Guidance

3. Investigation Report Writing - Hints & Tips

4. Investigation Report Template

5. Investigation Template Notes

6. Investigation Report Review Matrix

#4 and #6 are both fully customisable templates for you to use as you see fit; the others are there to help guide those who need further assistance.

We don't normally give valuable documents such as these away (at no cost), but we value those who continue to support our endeavours to raise the quality of incident investigation and problem solving around the world. Thank you.

If this pack helps prevent only one incident, it'll be worth it (so please do feel free to share).